Incredibly enough, I was able to tear myself away from the Food Channel and make my way to Comic Quest. New stocks (which had been delayed for some reason) were arriving, and the gang was expecting Arnold and Cynthia to spend dinner with us tonight. Me, Dean, Gig and Jason chatted the hours away to closing time with fellow bloggers Charles and Jay. We talked about stuff that ranged from anime to manga to fetishes, the last topic pretty much scandalizing Charles (shame on us for corrupting the pure youth!).
Anyway, despite my urgent need to keep spending down, I couldn't resist and got myself a copy of Dreamwave's Street Fighter comic (which looks good). I also got a copy of Game Masters, which is apparently the first quality magazine (distributed by Summit) all about videogames. I'll give it the once over and say if it's worth the 95 peso-cover price. But the gem of the night for me has to be a sample CD from 'fake' manga artist Honoel Ibardolaza, whose work simply floors me with its detail and color. Honoel worked with me on Hainaku's Game Girl story, and on a story for the upcoming Cherry Blossom High manga.
Afterwards, the group headed to Residencia and met with our long-lost friends. In honor of Cynthia, we dined at Salsa Rossa and had a rowdy night of stories, ranging from crank phone calls to the LOTR films to Dean and Nikki's little princess, Sage. Arn and Cynch, really glad to have you guys back, even for a little while!
Saturday's beckoning, and my vacation's almost at an end. Gotta make the most of the day. A haircut, trek to Greenhills, movie and more are planned.
If I can tear myself away again from the TV. Heh...
Will you Play it Safe in 2025?
2 months ago