Movie Picks
We Filipinos should enjoy our theaters. As my cousin would say, in the US you can't just watch as you please since the movie theaters charge so much (in our money, about 500 pesos a viewing! And you can't stay in the theaters as long as you want!). Feel lucky. Very lucky.
I have to make it a point to catch a couple of the Metro Manila Film Festival flicks before the work week starts. I actually want to see Captain Barbell cause the film actually looks to have some decent fx, and some interesting character designs. I don't know if I can muster the willpower to watch Gagamboy, but we'll see.
In the next few weeks, Pinoys will finally be able to see the grandness of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (which has already been playing for a couple of weeks in the US and other countries). We're actually not the worst off- the Japanese actually have to wait till February before they can catch the LOTR finale in theaters (DAAAAMMNNN!!!), and the wait has actually been SPOILED for many of them by a really crappy, spoiler-filled trailer that made the rounds. That bites.
Me, I'm looking forward to watching ROTK again. And again. Wanna relive the moments that sent chills up my spine. Yep, this is just the first of my ROTK posts that I have been holding back since watching it last December 18. I'll be gushing more as the movie approaches, and into the day I watch it again with the rest of the gang.
And onto other films, gonna also catch Kill Bill Volume 1, which will be hitting theaters a week after ROTK. It's rated R, but I still expect cuts from our local censors to butcher this blood-fest. Oh well.
Then there's Last Samurai, which looks to be a real treat as well. Authentic samurai action, big screen real-world battles and a NINJA attack are the things to watch in this one.
Peter Pan is the latest re-telling of the classic fairy tale, and this time it's more faithful to the novel instead of the 'What If' over-hyped clunker that was Hook (though I must admit to liking the final swordfight in that Steven Spielberg film). Peter Pan is a bishoujo-boy dressed in little more than leaves, with Wendy played by a lovely young actress, a sexy Tinkerbelle, decent FX and a more perilous take on Neverland, and probably the most nasty take on Captain Hook yet (played by Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter, The evil Paddington from The Patriot). The film looks to be quite action-packed, with a right amount of wonder and magic. Unfortunately this film seems to be bombing in the US, but I'll make it a point to catch it here (or at least get the DVD).
Ah, lots of good stuff to watch. Now, if only there was enough time to go with them. Ah, that's the ticket.
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2 months ago