Wednesday, April 23


As I posted about earlier, my old Canon Ixus 60 digicam went swimming in Boracay a couple of weeks back. I took it to a Canon service center and hoped that it wouldn't take too much to get it back to working order. Well, a call came in today and I received the quote for repairs- 20K with change. TWENTY FREAKIN' THOUSAND PESOS PLUS PLUS. Man! That's enough to buy a brand new, higher-end Canon. It was just a fifth shy of the price I paid for the camera when I bought it. Darn! So what could I do save tell the Canon rep to just dispose of the now-useless piece of salt water-logged junk.

Well, as if in answer to my loss, Mom came home today from her 12-day trip to the Holy Land and Egypt, and she brought with her... a new camera! She had told me prior to leaving to refrain from buying a new digicam locally since she would be stopping over at Dubai where a huge Duty-Free sold cameras at a very cheap price. Well, our patience was rewarded. My new camera is a lovely Canon Ixus 82 IS. It's a nice, compact, blue 8-megapixel snapper that comes with cool features like Face Detection and Motion Stabilization. NICE! Better yet, it came at a price of about half of what I paid for my old Ixus60. The price was so good, mom got herself a new camera too (an Ixus 70) which she used to take gobs of pics of her time touring the religious and cultural center of Christianity. So all's well that ends well, I guess.

Of course, I won't be taking my new cam to any beach anytime soon. Heh.

Sunday, April 20

Avatar BLOWOUT!!!

The End begins in July.

The recent New York Comic Convention revealed a lot of things Avatar: The Last Airbender to fans who have been starved of content for months. For starters, the above trailer which features clips from the next few episodes. The 4-part finale to the series will air in July, and will end the series with a bang as Aang finally engages the Firelord in a climactic final confrontation. Also, the first Avatar live-action movie will be shown in 2010, and have the title The Last Airbender (since the title 'Avatar' has already been stolen by James Cameron...).

Man, this is gonna be bittersweet. The greatest US cartoon ends in a few months, but man, it's shaping up to be an awesome end. I can't wait. WOOHOO!!!

And here (MEGA-SPOILER ALERT) is a 7-minute preview of episode 3.17 The Ember Island Players, which is IMO the best way to have a clip show before the finale. Awesome, hilarious stuff and it perfectly illustrates how beloved this show has become to it's fans. Man, I am going to love this show forever.