Ryu Hayabusa's adventure is an instant classic, no butts about it. Heh.
In between pages of my ninja hero Kunoichi Boy, I've managed to log in some sessions of play with Tecmo of Japan's latest gaming opus- Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. This action adventure puts players in the toed-boots of Ryu Hayabusa, young ninja warrior and scion of the legendary Dragon clan. Entrusted with a sacred weapon known as the Dragon Blade, Ryu is the only member of his village who survives after a deadly attack, and predictably has the responsibility of avenging his comrades and stopping an evil plot by the sinister Vigoor Empire.
NG is, as I said, an action adventure. Despite having a ninja at your command, there's really no stealth element in the gameplay, as in Tenchu or Metal Gear Solid. You have at your command an expandable arsenal of attacks, with a variety of weapons from a katana to a giant throwing star that would make Yuffie Kisaragi green with envy. The enemies range from commandos to samurai, to zombies and demons.
The game looks incredible, which is something you would expect given that this is a product of the same team that produced the gorgeous Dead or Alive series. Character models are detailed and animated wonderfully, with your onscreen hero himself being as insanely lethal-cool as any ninja in any movie, cartoon or past game could be and MORE.
As for gameplay, the controls are very responsive and after some play is quite fluid and natural. There are some hiccups, such as a slightly iffy camera and some crazily difficult puzzles to solve; but for the most part, playing NG is an addictive, fun and exciting experience.
Yep, it lives up the the hype, I think. No Xbox owner should be without this one.