Animax Report: GTO
Would you trust this man as a high school teacher?
It's been almost three weeks since
Animax, the 24 hour anime channel, debuted on Philippine cable TV. The channel is available to major distributors
Sky and
Home cable.
So far, I've found the current lineup sparse, but watchable. Foremost among the series is
GTO, or
Great Teacher Onizuka, which could be described as 'Dangerous Minds' in Japan. Instead of Michelle Pfeiffer's former marine-turned teacher though, we get
Ekichi Onizuka, a 22 year old former biker and gang member (I even think he's actually a former Yakuza) who now is determined to become the greatest high school teacher in Japan. Onizuka is pretty odd; sometimes he can be incredibly dense, but can come through with surprising results. While course and rough, he is also apparently very astute to human nature, being able to see through facades and walls people build around themselves and take an unconventional way of reaching hardened hearts.
This is pretty vital since Onizuka has to face one super-delinquent after another in his road to becoming a Great Teacher. While warriors battle dragons, or sentai superteams battle Biomonsters, Onizuka has to face misguided geniuses, shy popstars-in-the-making, classroom terrorists and other rogues in the school. Not helping any is the fact that most of the other faculty members either dislike him or hate him like the plague- the most dangerous being the Vice Principal, a thoroughly unsympathetic lout who cares more for his own rep or his new car (which is wrecked on a regular basis through circumstances that often involve Onizuka) than his students.
But somehow though, Onizuka pulls through with great strength, a hard head, often physical and freaky tactics, a LOUD voice, martial arts know-how, a gang of biker friends and a genuine willingness to lay down his life for his students. Imperfect he may be (old gangster habits die hard), but he's a pretty engaging character.
This series can have some slow moments, though episodes with really irritating delinquent are interesting enough for you to wonder at how Onizuka will manage to get past the latest challenge. The animation isn't anything to crow about, but the design of the main hero himself is pretty cool, and the goofy facial expressions Onizuka often has throughout the show are hilarious. As for content, there are some pretty risque moments, though the most violent being Onizuka dishing out punishment to some thugs, to some villainous girls getting spanked in their underwear (really).
GTO is one of the more popular titles in Japan, comprising of a manga, the anime, a live-action series and more. Well, I can understand why. It's a pretty fun show.
Well, that's one reason not to miss class- er, Animax, every weeknight. Heh.