In Fairness
In celebration of
Dean's birthday, the Quest/Siglo group headed over to the
Paskong Pasiklab carnival and fair at Philcoa near UP Diliman. It was a larger group than we usually had as of late;
me, Dean, Gig, Vin, Cams, Carl, Dino, Elbert, Andrew and Jason (who came all the way from Davao!).
On the way we had joked about how we would probably drive up to the fair, take one look and promptly drive out. But surprisingly, the place looked decent and safe, clean and well-lit (though decidedly low-tech; no Enchanted Kingdom this). We started walking around, finding fun in stuff like games of chance such as Coin Toss Games, Shooting Galleries and Basketball Hoops. Carl, after getting foiled in scoring a single basket in the hoops, promptly picked up a gun and blasted away at plastic toy targets, winning a bunch of chocolate bars (money well spent, I guess).
Another feature we tried out for sheer curiosity's sake were the Freak Show booths. There were at least three scattered across the fair;
Dyesebel (mermaid),
Snake Woman and
Galema, the Girl who played with Snakes. Basically, these booths were walled-in cubes where the top was open for viewing for spectators to look down on the attraction. The gang tried several. I looked at Dyesebel and could only barely make out a torse and water since the top of the chamber was covered by a colored screen (BAH).
I passed on the Snake Woman (which Andrew just described as a girl in a rubber suit) but eventually decided to look at Galema after seeing looks of shocked enjoyment on Gig's and Andrew's faces. Galema was a nondescript woman, dressed in shorts and a jacket (disappointingly looking NOTHING like the sexy jungle girl in the large billboard) who sat or stood in the booth with about eight to ten snakes all around her. She lifted them up in bunches, played with them, teased them and basically just looked pretty bored. Sessions lasted for about a couple of minutes before Galema would leave through a small door to presumably a safe and snakeless area.
Not really impressive (I actually tried to take a photo but it really wasn't photogenic); I had more fun looking at the lethargic snake sitting on the counter of the 'Deejay' near the booth entrance. I touched it and felt the dry but cold and clammy feel of the reptile; even feeling the bones beneath the skin. Ooh. Vin on the other hand kept petting it and looking at it for the duration of his stay (I won't be surprised to find a snake sitting on Vin's computer next week).
After that, we wandered around more, trying out more games, eating the odd snack (cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs, gulaman, barbecue). Andrew rode on something that looked like a gyroscope. Some rode on the Octopus, some rode on the Ferris Wheel. Andrew took home a couple of matching bowls and glasses thanks to his luck (or skill?) in the Coin Toss game.
We all trooped into the
Malikmata Horror Warehouse, which incredibly enough actually was pretty creepy and fun.
The place had quite a well done look to it, and the darkened corridors were maze-like, twisting and turning. The opening area had us walk through beds with bloodstained sheets, motionless figures hunched under them. Of course, by the time some of the figures actually MOVED, we had gone from moving in easygoing pairs to the huddled formation often used by caravan trains during bandit raids.
We moved past the morgue into more hallways with alcoves showing various vignettes of horror, with silent, garbed figures lining corners and blind curves. This was pretty much the creepiest part, since you really couldn’t tell if the figures would move or not. There were some cheesy parts, but overall we were laughing and screaming and shouting and rushing out the door. Money well spent, really!
After that, we started to wind down with some eats, particularly some solid barbecue from a
Grill Queen kiosk. After that, it was past midnight and off we went to cool off at
Chili’s in Greenhills (which happened only after a loooooong circling through a blocked UP Campus).
Great fun, and honestly, the best fun we’ve had as a group in a long time.
Let’s do it again next year, guys!