Return of the King Extended Edition Set
Here's more info on the scenes that will be appearing in what may be the BEST of the BEST extended dvd sets ever. Some corrections to my earlier post... at LEAST 50 minutes of new footage is featured; it may or may not be 58 minutes. And there will be over 20 hours of extras and bonus features. DAAAAMN!!! You could watch this thing for a DAY and STILL not be finished!!! WOOOHHHHAAAAA!!!
Anyway, onto the scenes...
- Shots of Saruman on top of Orthanc, talking trash at the good guys and then throwing a FIREBALL at Gandald... Well, Vin will be happy now that finally a wizards gets to throw a BIG SFX spell. Supposedly it looks pretty good.
- Frodo/Sam/Gollum approaching the crossroads...
- Frodo and Sam in orc costumes marching with orcs, big orc yelling "move on!"
- Merry saying "I know there isn't much hope, I know I can't do much. I'm just a hobbit. But I want to help"
- Mouth of Sauron rides out, and he's an UGLY bastard. He says " I have a token I was bidden to show thee" and then he reveals Frodo's mithril vest and throws it down to the ground.
- Eowyn in bed at Edoras, Aragorn is walking away from her but before he can get too far she reaches out and takes his hand.
- Eomer grieving for Eowyn... this scene has been spotted in theatrical trailers but not shown in the actual theatrical cut. It was theorized before by some that the person Eomer is grieving for was not Eowyn, but a fellow Rohirrim.
- Sam in Mordor looking at the dark, red lit sky telling Frodo that he sees a light.
- Aragorn using the Palantir...
- Gandalf battling against the Witch King, who finally gets a chance to make good on his promise to "break him".
- Lots of new shots of the siege of Gondor, orcs using small battering ram, fell beast swooping in and picking up soldiers
- Eowyn fighting Gothmog... I was wondering what happened to him... So Eowyn offs BOTH of Sauron's heavies? What a woman!
-Faramir telling Pippin about the child who once owned the suit of Gondorian armor he is now wearing...
- Eowyn and Faramir in the Houses of Healing... a much-anticipated scene, I must say...
- Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running away from an avalanche of skulls in the paths of the dead...
And one last thing... the release is supposed to be in December 2004. DAAAAMMNNN!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!
My Preciousssss....
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1 month ago
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