Sex, Lies and Videogames
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from Rockstar Games has had it's share of controversy- of course, you'd expect that from the latest installment of a game series that puts you in control of a gangsta brother out to carve out an empire for himself in any bloody way he can. Well, aside from the ability to gun down civilians and car-jack anything on wheels in the streets, you can apparently woo ladies and have sexual intercourse in a hidden minigame.
The whole hullaballoo (love that word) started with the PC version of GTASA, apparently through a mod called Hot Coffee. In the regular version, all you'd get for hitching up with a girlfriend in the game was an invitation for some coffee, and then having imagination fill in the blanks afterwards. In the Hot Coffee mod, PC players are shown a full-on interactive sex scene, where they interact by pressing buttons in specific rhythm to get your girl into orgasm. Sorta like Dance Dance Revolution, except with no dancing and all sex.
The discovery of this hidden minigame of course caused a big stir among parents and politicians, as GTASA is a commonly-available game on both the PC and PS2. Rockstar then denied having the game in, alleging that the Hot Coffee mod was something put in the game by malicious hackers. But after some research, gaming site Gamespot revealed that the sex minigame was already IN the game even before any hacking- in fact, it even exists in the PS2 version (reachable only by hours of play and the use of special codes and a Gameshark peripheral).
Well, anyway, the game's now been given a new rating of Adults Only, and controversy in gaming rages on. Oh well. Hey... maybe there's a sex minigame in Final Fantasy VII too... I mean... getting close to Aeris has to yield more than just a crummy date on a carnival ride, right? Heh... just kidding.
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1 month ago
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