Game Bits
Metal Gear Solid 4 has been shown in trailer form at the recent TGS2005 Gaming Expo in Japan. The footage shows a grizzled, aged and one-eyed Solid Snake still fighting even though he seems pretty sick (he needs drugs to keep him going), and STILL smoking his health-reducing cigs. The old soldier is shown in some kind of deserted village, hiding from a large number of troops accompanied by what seems to be bipedal battle armor. Snake is also accompanied by a tiny Metal Gear- a wheeled droid which serves as a monitor for Snake's brainy comrade, Otacon (who doesn't seem as old as Snake himself). The graphics look on par with CG cinematics, though there's no word about story yet. Will we indeed be playing as a Dark Knight Returns-old Snake? Will other characters like Revolver Ocelot and Meryl Silverburgh be showing up? We'll just have to wait. Metal Gear Solid 4 is headed for the PS3. Still a ways to go...
Dead or Alive 4 for the Xbox 360 will appparently have quite a few changes, including the addition of new animations for knockdowns which basically make the fighting more fast-paced. All the characters will have new counters and moves over their last incarnations in DOA Ultimate for the Xbox. Aside from the so far revealed new characters- Kokoro the long-haired kimono girl, Eliot the blonde kung fu boy and veteran fighter Gen Fu's apprentice, and the masked female luchadore wrestler/kickfighter La Mariposa (we suspect she's Lisa from DOAX)- there appears to be room for up to SIX more competitors. New characters? Team Ninja has hinted that there may even be a guest fighter from a non-Tecmo title appearing in the roster.
On the Story Mode, much emphasis seems to be placed on the events within DOATEC, the evil corporation that's been holding the DOA Tournament. Opera singer Helena Douglas has apparently become the head of the company, and is now in the thick of the conspiracies that are running inside it. Ninja brethren Hayate and Kasumi have FINALLY linked up and are set to take out DOATEC directly for the corporation's experiments on both of them, with the help of ally Ryu Hayabusa. As for the game's final Boss, a mysterious female figure known only as Alpha 152 is said to be the new heavy awaiting competitors at the end of the game.
Darn. I can't wait. DOA4 has been given a release date along with the launch of the Xbox 360 in November or December of this year.
While Soul Calibur 2 was pretty forgettable, the third game in the series looks pretty awesome. Soul Calibur 3 will feature oodles of goodies when it comes this October/November. In fact, SC3 looks to show every other fighting game how things are done- from an interactive and cinema-laden Story Mode, to an ultra-awesome Character Creation Mode, to lots of minigames and even an RTS-style Conquest game.
Great games for the existing consoles and the debut of the first next-gen platform should make Holiday 2005 something for gamers to look forward to. HAZZAH! Better start saving...
Will you Play it Safe in 2025?
1 month ago
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