Book Daze
Today, amidst a flurry of work that had me and my art director 3sha running from one end of the city to the other, we managed to find time to have about an hour to peruse the shelves of Fully Booked at Rockwell. All I can say is... DAMN. This was the first time I'd been at the place since it was moved from the ground floor up to the third (or fourth) floor of the Power Plant mall. The new FB branch is HUGE and covered with books from top to bottom. Needless to say, the bibliophile and graphic novel geek in me was slobbering in glee.
Unfortunately for my wallet, I found myself unable to resist grabbing up several books. I purchased three Blade of the Immortal books, and the first two chapters of the Hellsing manga. These five books alone cost me almost five thousand smackers. DAAAAAMN! But really, I could easily... EASILY... spend double or triple that amount in the place (well, at least I'd have a Fully Booked discount card then). There are so many things I want to buy. Hellboy. How To Manga books. Film books. Fantasy and fiction novels. Magazines. Even reprints of darn Hardy Boys and scabs of children's and young adult books were tempting me severely.
GYYYAAAAHHH!!!! All that and I STILL had the week's comics to get later in the day. GYYYYAAAAHHH!!!
Anyway, I finished up work and rushed off to Mega afterwards to get the phamphlet stuff- The LAST issue of Batgirl chief among the acquisitions, along with the latest issues of JSA Classified, Justice, New Avengers and a copy of Wizard Anime Insider. Lots of reading stuff. More money out from the ATM.
Well, I can't really complain. I don't really regret buying books and comics. These things, along with food, videogames, the occasional movie and pleasant conversation make life that much more pleasurable. Oh well.
Will you Play it Safe in 2025?
2 months ago
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