Tuesday, February 8

Ghost Photo?

My officemate Fabo went on a shoot in the province last week, and being the camera buff that he is, he was snapping away at every opportunity.
While they were inside an old church, he came upon a flight of stairs leading to the choir loft. They were told that the area was off limits, and that it was locked up.

So Fabo off-handedly took one shot of the stairs, looked away for a second and took a pic of a nearby wall, and then took another pic of the stairs.

Imagine his surprise later when he finds something that wasn't there before in the second photo of the stairs.



If you close in, it's obviously a little kid, a little baby girl in a fancy red dress holding what appears to be a rattle that covers her face. Fabo's pretty positive that he didn't see anyone at the top of the stairs. Thinking back, he remembers that the day he shot this was a Tuesday- not a day for a kid to be dressed up. Plus, he can't think of WHY any parent would allow such a small child to be walking ALONE atop such a high flight of stairs.

Is it just actually a small kid alone at the top of a supposedly closed section of an old church, or is it something else?


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