Monday, February 7

K.I.A. : Kai's Infinite Acronyms

"How about... Kai Is Annoyed?"

Last Saturday, over coffee and tea in UCC at Tomas Morato, the gang winded down and talked about- surprise, surprise, comics! Really, it's been a long time since we talked about local publishing and creative projects involving our passion in graficion and panels, so it was pretty refreshing.
Funny though, that after talking about upcoming projects, we eventually settled into the subject of my own soon-to-be-released K.I.A. anthology... particularly what the acronym K.I.A. should stand for. There were the TONS of variations of the letter 'I', which ranged from Illogical to Impractical to Incorrigible to Ignorant to Introspective and God knows what else.
Then there were the really weird ones, like Kai Is Assassin (which strangely enough I kinda like), or Kai: I'm Assassin! (which I do not). Needless to say, Dean, Vin, Jason, Nikki and I were all laughing our heads off (broken by occasional moments of silence when we thought 'Hey, that actually sounds cool'), probably to the irritation of the other customers. Heh.

Anyway, it just got me even more pumped to release the anthology, which is on the last leg of submissions. Soon, very soon. Promise!

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