Sunday, April 3

Meet and Greet

Team K.I.A. at Shakey's.

Today is one of those days that reminds me why I do comics. It's the opportunity to meet and work with great people like the wonderful guys and gals that helped me put together K.I.A. This day wasn't really a Launch for the comic, but just a way for me to thank all these people who gave art and words freely to make the project work. Over pizza, chicken and iced tea at Shakey's Megamall, we chatted the afternoon away and enjoyed each others' company. It was with great pleasure that I passed around everyone's complimentary copies of the book, and had these artists sign one copy for posterity.

The best thing about the K.I.A. cover is that there are lots of space to sign!

Jonas and his new copy of K.I.A.

My only regret was that several members weren't able to make it, but I'm sure they were with us in spirit. Another regret was not taking more videos, since my O2 XDA II takes pretty good clips. Anyway, I took a whole bunch of pics, which I posted at My Phlog. Check them out!

Again, thanks to everyone who came, and a BIG thanks to Camille Portugal who was invaluable to making these last few days happen smoothly. Thank you thank you thank you, Cams!

Cams put the whole day together. Yay!

Let's do it all again sometime! WOOHOO!!!

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